Nine reasons you’ll love working with us

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We're a Specialist Property Management Company

Group 70

Our Experience Sets Us Apart

Frame 7

Unparalleled Speed of Response and Communication

Frame 8

We're Independently Trust Account Audited

Frame 9

We have a Zero Tolerance Arrears Policy

Frame 10

Our Tenant Selection Process is Robust and Thorough

Frame 11

We're at Marketing's Cutting Edge

Frame 12

We're a Tenancy Practice Services (TPS) Trusted Partner

Frame 13

We're All In This Together


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As a long-term residential property investor, Rental HQ manages multiple properties for me and has done so for a number of years. My experience of Rental HQ as a specialist property management company is second to none. The company is exceptionally professional and sets and maintains very high standards when it comes to tenant selection and the day to day management of my properties.  Abby Matley, the General Manager, runs a dedicated team of highly skilled property managers and business owner Paul Vujnovich has a reputation within the real estate industry for honesty and integrity. I have no hesitation in strongly recommending Rental HQ and their services to anyone looking for a specialist property management company to take away all the tenant and compliance headaches of being a residential property investor.

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We have a number of rental properties that are managed by Rental HQ and have been for many years. We have always been able to trust their experience and expertise as property managers.

From the business owner right through to the property manager, the team at Rental HQ are always available to offer advice and talk through any situation that might arise.

They have an extensive network of trade contacts that has ensured that us, and our tenants, are very well looked after.

We really feel that our properties are in safe hands and, as residential property investors, we really don’t have to worry about anything.

We highly recommend Rental HQ to any property investor looking to engage a first class property management company.

Paul & Julie
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Thank you for managing our property.  We have been really happy with the service you provide, was just saying to someone the other day it was the best decision we’ve made for our investment property.

Carl & Julia

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